torsdag 17. desember 2009

The American goverment.

A few days ago, an American, Lee Ann Potter, gave my class and I a visit. Recently having moved from the Washington D.C in the Untied States of America, she had decided to take an absence period from work to lecture Norwegian students about the U.S system of government. Her lecture was utterly to the point, easy to follow, and I did in fact find it interesting. That fact that Lee Ann shared a few personal stories as well during the lecture, helped the lesson become variated and amusing as well. Being given a detailed explanation about the constitution (CLICK HERE), the American elections, ect, by an actual American citizen, was certainly a great way to learn about this specific topic.

During the lesson, Lee Ann shared a few hand-outs and video clips having to do with the topic. One of the hand-outs was a task where we where supposed to read the U.S Constitution Preamble in car license plates (CLICK HERE). All though it was quite difficult to read, I found the task fun to work with. One of the clips we got to see was a Schoolhouse Rock jingle from the 70's (by the network channel ABC) about the Preamble and the constitution, to teach children about it (below).

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yes she was a great presenter. Glad you liked it. Although you don't explain what you learned here you do show us the different places she mentioned. It was a nice touch with the license- plates too.

  2. Hi Amanda!
    Nice blog!
    I am a student in the US. That sounds like the lecture was fun and informative. When I was in 5th grade and we were learning about the American Revolution and colonial times we all had to memorize a song version of the Preamble, and I actually still know it now.
    I also was just in Washington D.C. over Thanksgiving break, and I loved it!
    Please visit my blog:
